Spartan application

Tight Budget, Balanced Diet

Generate the cheapest nutritionally complete diet. Based on your nutritional needs, made of the foods you eat.

Get it for free


Diet generation

Calculate the diet that meets your nutritional needs, minimizing total cost or weight.

Personalized nutrient requirements

Based on US recommendations. Customizable to your needs.

Nutritional analysis

Inspect the composition of over 7000 foods for up to 39 nutrients.

Nutritional requirements

Custom food constraints

Limit the quantity of specific foods in generated diets.

Personal food preferences

Account for dietary restrictions and filter foods by category.

Dietary analysis

See each food’s nutritional contribution to your entire diet.


For Windows


On macOS or Linux? Check out the code or run from source here.

A Little History in Frugal Nutrition

In 1939, economist George Stigler set out at solving the Diet Problem: What’s the cheapest selection of foods that meets the nutritional needs of a moderately active man? His solution – the Stigler diet – consisted of flour, navy beans, cabbage, and evaporated milk. It accounted for nine nutrients. He considered 77 foods.

Spartan is like Stigler, but with 39 nutrients, 7,793 foods, and less evaporated milk.